Command list ::raids

Discover the complete list of commands for Edgeville RSPS, including general and donator commands. Easily navigate and enhance your gameplay with our detailed command guide. Perfect for new and experienced players alike.

Edgeville Guides Section

Command List: Comprehensive Guide for All Commands

Explore the full range of commands available for Edgeville RSPS, covering both general and donator-specific commands. Effortlessly improve your gameplay experience with our comprehensive command guide, ideal for both beginners and seasoned players.

::announceToggle drop announcements.
::barrowsTakes you to barrows.
::benefitsOpens a web page with donator benefits
::bugReport a bug
::changepassChange your password
::changepasswordChange your password
::checkanimaTells you if the anima patch is active.
::chestrewardsLets you know the chests rewards.
::claimClaim your donated item.
::closeCloses your current interface
::collectCollect items in your collection box.
::commandsShows a list of all commands
::crystalOpens up the crystal guide.
::dailyrewardOpens the daily reward interface (only in edgeville).
::diceTeles you to gambling area
::discordInvites you to our Discord server
::donateOpens store
::donationrewardsOpens the Donation rewards interface.
::droprateShows drop rate bonus
::droptableOpens the drop table.
::duelTeleports you to the duel arena
::eastsTeleports you to this PK hotspot
::emptyEmpty your inventory
::eventTeles you to wildy event
::explockInterface to manage Exp Locks
::foepetsOpens a web page with foe pet benefits.
::forumsOpens a web page with our forums
::gcontestOpens the GIM contest interface.
::ginfoOpens the group information interface.
::giveawayOpens a web page with the current giveaway.
::grulesOpens a web page with in-game rules
::guideOpens a web page with our forums
::helpCreates a help ticket
::hesporiOpens up the Hespori boss guide.
::highriskTeleports you to a instanced edgeville
::highscoresOpens a webpage with the highscores
::homeTeleports you to home area
::hostsLists all available dice hosts
::infernoTakes you near the inferno gates.
::jadTakes you to jad cave.
::kdrLets you know your KDR.
::killlogOpens the kill log.
::konarTakes you to konar slayer master.
::lastteleUses your last used teleport.
::leaderboardsOpens the leaderboards interface.
::leaveraidsForces you to leave raids.
::level2Teles you to gambling area
::maxislandTeleports you to Max Island
::mbTeleports you to the mage bank
::mboxOpens the loot table interface.
::newsCheck out all of our updates.
::pcTakes you to pest control.
::pgOpens the unofficial price guide.
::pinCreate or manage your account pin.
::prizesOpens the loot table interface.
::raidsTeleports you to raids.
::reclaimReclaim donations from Sanitarium v1 between
::resetkdrReset your kill/death ratio.
::revsTakes you to the revenant cave.
::rulesOpens a web page with in-game rules
::skillTeleports you to skilling island
::skullPuts a skull above your head..
::slayerTeleports you to slayer area.
::staffShow online staff members.
::staffcommandsShows a list of all commands
::streakTells you your slayer consecutive tasks.
::stuckTeleports you home if you are ever stuck
::stuckraidsTeleports you out of raids if your stuck.
::stylewarningToggle optimal combat style warning.
::suggestionSuggestion that we add or change something
::taskShows your current slayer task
::teleportOpens Teleport Interface.
::toggleToggles various events
::togglealchToggles the item drop warning on or off
::toggledropToggles the item drop warning on or off
::topicOpen a forum topic by the id.
::trainTakes you to rock crabs.
::unblockAllows unblocking specific tasks using index numbers.
::unjailTeleports you out of the jail if you did your time
::vialsTurns on and off break vials.
::voteOpens a web page where you can vote for rewards
::votedClaim your voted reward.
::vpanelOpens your vote panel.
::westsTeleports you to this PK hotspot
::wildOpen the wild warning interface.
::wildyeventTeles you to wildy event
::worldeventTeles you to world event.
::yellSends a global chat message
::fuckWill perform a special animation, unlocked after claiming the dance scroll
::donatortitle (donator command)Changes your player title
::donatorzone (donator command)Teleports you to the donator zone
::dz (donator command)Teleports you to donator zone.
::killtitle (donator command)Changes your kill title