::announce | Toggle drop announcements. |
::barrows | Takes you to barrows. |
::benefits | Opens a web page with donator benefits |
::bug | Report a bug |
::changepass | Change your password |
::changepassword | Change your password |
::checkanima | Tells you if the anima patch is active. |
::chestrewards | Lets you know the chests rewards. |
::claim | Claim your donated item. |
::close | Closes your current interface |
::collect | Collect items in your collection box. |
::commands | Shows a list of all commands |
::crystal | Opens up the crystal guide. |
::dailyreward | Opens the daily reward interface (only in edgeville). |
::dice | Teles you to gambling area |
::discord | Invites you to our Discord server |
::donate | Opens store |
::donationrewards | Opens the Donation rewards interface. |
::droprate | Shows drop rate bonus |
::droptable | Opens the drop table. |
::duel | Teleports you to the duel arena |
::easts | Teleports you to this PK hotspot |
::empty | Empty your inventory |
::event | Teles you to wildy event |
::explock | Interface to manage Exp Locks |
::foepets | Opens a web page with foe pet benefits. |
::forums | Opens a web page with our forums |
::gcontest | Opens the GIM contest interface. |
::ginfo | Opens the group information interface. |
::giveaway | Opens a web page with the current giveaway. |
::grules | Opens a web page with in-game rules |
::guide | Opens a web page with our forums |
::help | Creates a help ticket |
::hespori | Opens up the Hespori boss guide. |
::highrisk | Teleports you to a instanced edgeville |
::highscores | Opens a webpage with the highscores |
::home | Teleports you to home area |
::hosts | Lists all available dice hosts |
::inferno | Takes you near the inferno gates. |
::jad | Takes you to jad cave. |
::kdr | Lets you know your KDR. |
::killlog | Opens the kill log. |
::konar | Takes you to konar slayer master. |
::lasttele | Uses your last used teleport. |
::leaderboards | Opens the leaderboards interface. |
::leaveraids | Forces you to leave raids. |
::level2 | Teles you to gambling area |
::maxisland | Teleports you to Max Island |
::mb | Teleports you to the mage bank |
::mbox | Opens the loot table interface. |
::news | Check out all of our updates. |
::pc | Takes you to pest control. |
::pg | Opens the unofficial price guide. |
::pin | Create or manage your account pin. |
::prizes | Opens the loot table interface. |
::raids | Teleports you to raids. |
::reclaim | Reclaim donations from Sanitarium v1 between |
::resetkdr | Reset your kill/death ratio. |
::revs | Takes you to the revenant cave. |
::rules | Opens a web page with in-game rules |
::skill | Teleports you to skilling island |
::skull | Puts a skull above your head.. |
::slayer | Teleports you to slayer area. |
::staff | Show online staff members. |
::staffcommands | Shows a list of all commands |
::streak | Tells you your slayer consecutive tasks. |
::stuck | Teleports you home if you are ever stuck |
::stuckraids | Teleports you out of raids if your stuck. |
::stylewarning | Toggle optimal combat style warning. |
::suggestion | Suggestion that we add or change something |
::task | Shows your current slayer task |
::teleport | Opens Teleport Interface. |
::toggle | Toggles various events |
::togglealch | Toggles the item drop warning on or off |
::toggledrop | Toggles the item drop warning on or off |
::topic | Open a forum topic by the id. |
::train | Takes you to rock crabs. |
::unblock | Allows unblocking specific tasks using index numbers. |
::unjail | Teleports you out of the jail if you did your time |
::vials | Turns on and off break vials. |
::vote | Opens a web page where you can vote for rewards |
::voted | Claim your voted reward. |
::vpanel | Opens your vote panel. |
::wests | Teleports you to this PK hotspot |
::wild | Open the wild warning interface. |
::wildyevent | Teles you to wildy event |
::worldevent | Teles you to world event. |
::yell | Sends a global chat message |
::fuck | Will perform a special animation, unlocked after claiming the dance scroll |
::donatortitle (donator command) | Changes your player title |
::donatorzone (donator command) | Teleports you to the donator zone |
::dz (donator command) | Teleports you to donator zone. |
::killtitle (donator command) | Changes your kill title |